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How to assign hiddenfield value to select2 on postback

Anonymous User 5450 26-Jan-2015

I am trying to assign value to select2 control from a hiddenfield in clientside script. Value is not assigned to select2 control after postback for the following code.

$(document).ready(function () {
     $.getJSON(uriSector+ '/' + 'GetIndustrySectors')
           .done(function (data) {
               $.each(data, function (key, item) {
     $("#cboIndustry").on('change', function () {
            if ($("#cboIndustry").val() != "-1") {
                 var id = $("#cboIndustry").val();
                SelectedName = $('#cboIndustry option:selected').text();
   var SelectedIndustry = $('#HiddenIndustrySectorID').val();

However value get assigned if I put alert before assigning

var SelectedIndustry = $('#HiddenIndustrySectorID').val(); 



// These steps I have included, for retaining value in select2 on postback.

What could be the reason? Please help me.

Updated on 27-Jan-2015
I am a content writter !

Can you answer this question?


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